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What's the deal about Pine pollen as supplement?

Testosterone levels are declining people's feelings are getting hurt easily. The environment is bombarded with estrogenic compounds and there is a bigger need than ever for testosterone rebalancing allies Enter
Pine pollen.

What is the best to eat?

Meat based Paleo.

The less plants eaten the better. Yes there are a few beneficial adaptogenic herbs that are also quit nutritional dense with beautifying properties and or cognitive enhancing capabilities. is made to improve already superior nutritional regime by providing that extra edge. It is designed for myself because I felt a need to source a few high quality superherbs.

The whole “superfood” term is meaningless it is a buzzword. I tend to disagree with most of the content regarding superfoods.

Plants generally don’t want to be eaten and we have not a proper digestive tract to digest vegetation. Herbs are natural medicine like a cat that chews on toxic plants to vomit or for fun.

A list with the top 10 superfoods IMHV:

1.  Seafood eggs

2.  Beef

3.  Butter

4.  Pine pollen

5.  Vanilla

6.  Coffee

7.  Lion's mane mushroom  

8.  Celtic sea salt

9.  Organs

10. Eggs

Will I list more products besides Pine pollen, Lion’s mane mushroom, Cordyceps, Schisandra and consulting?


Yes, and in the rule not more then 10. Partly to prevent overwhelm but foremost to have only the best and keep you happy returning. providing 1000s products with only a few potential diamonds is not my style. Besides it is now very well doable to have my own healthy supervision. Where did I always searched for and happy to pay double amount for?, With that vision.

Expanding and ideas are good however I don’t want to be in the maybes and will be on top of it.

Take coffee (fruit) berry for instance many people that appreciate wild harvested Pine pollen are not comfortable with potential pesticide use and even a bigger problem organic coffee tend to be more moldy can’t win in that case. In the best case coffee berry is near Lion’s mane brain health potential. Your headache is my headache and my headache is your headache. The best customer service is not allowing maybe products and things that are nice and just floating in the lower top 20.

MCT oil is also a maybe I would be happier if you get your fat from ribeye. And the Pine pollen on top is the metaphorical cherry on the cake.

Besides being the founder of kingpowertraining I am also in International Sourcing and Consulting, Personal Training and publishing, that makes me a very busy man. That being said when it feels right I can build my own coffee label or vanilla brand that takes time and resources it is a passion and important and I conduct with a one item a time philosophy.
The potential to do more is there and the risk for running around doing 10 things at the time and finish eventually nothing too high.

What are 4 general dealbreakers regarding health?

Everything is important and what is a deal breaker? A good sticky note can be better than a whole book that repeats it’s concept after the concept is given away in the introduction.

  1. Eat meat

Preferably beef and when I consult about personal training I add value if you not want to eat meat I won’t argue. Just create your own plan and I wish you the best. I am not a social institution that provides mediocre services and holds your hand. Result for you and fun for me to work with you is key.

  1. Vitamin D3 levels consider under 40 ng/dl is red alert

D3 influences every single process in the body. Vitamin D3 status can be seen as the executive behind your epigenetic buttons. That means that your genetics is stored information and available Vitamin D interpreted it favorable.

Pine pollen has trace amounts vitamin D and to be clear relying on food and or supplement for vitamin D is a dubious step in the good direction, I would be happy if you get your vitamin D primarily from the sun and or UVB lamps. Photo exposure triggers other important variables like receptors in the skin and brain glands that still need to be uncovered.

And you need cholesterol to metabolize vitamin D.

Angry? You should be.

Even the so called bad LDL is actually vital to retain lean muscle mass.

  1. Incorporate weight lifting

Successful (reversing)aging, again Pine pollen helps with some superficial things like skin and hair and testosterone balancing. Though that is the cherry on the cake. Muscle mass is vital important. The muscular system is an organ and deserves focus.

Adding 10kg muscle mass above your base line makes your metabolism higher you can almost get away with dietary murder.

(But I want to do cardio(?), then you don’t do it, I am your biggest fan if you are a content human being even if we agree to disagree on the fundamentals).

Your meat vehicle is the driver and your brain is it’s passenger. Be strong at all costs. Elderly are way more robust when retaining a good amount of muscle mass and some strength basics a kettlebell and pull-up facility is more than enough.

As side note, we all want a quick fix and using shortcuts appeals, maybe a change in mindset is necessary and change shortcut in efficacy. Lion’s mane works great to get that extra few hours quality focus and accesses your brain's language center, as some people call it the herbal alternative for modafinil. Or like the pack of cigarettes programmers need to create breakthroughs.

  1. Go off the wheat

Speaking of cigarettes, it is a disgusting habit and inhaling burned leaves not the best thing to do. Nicotine is an nootropic, interesting and deserves more research. What has that to do with wheat?

Wheat is way more harmful than smoking, I came to that educated guess in 2012. This might be the missing link that solves all diseases.

I am 100% open to change my mind and be able to get convinced in 3 theories: 1/3 the introduction of the led bulb 2/3 overeating wheat 3/3 low vitamin D is the drop for this negative cascade.

Thought this is not relevant and useless because going off wheat improves people's life massively and testimonials on the internet are in abundance. What works count, what authority tells you should raise suspicion because there is most likely an agenda to provide the world with agricultural waste.

The most powerful skin protocol is going wheat free and combining Pine pollen 1+1 is a 3rd on the palette. (this sentence is powerful and hacks the whole dermatology field).

Wheat is a deal breaker if you want to stay healthy, there are many problems with wheat gluten is just a part of the story. You have to remove gluten out of your diet. Because gluten makes autoantibodies to transglutaminase which is an enzyme that modifies all the proteins in our body.

How to take Pine pollen in an easy way?


The best way is adding some Pine pollen powder in an iced americano (that is black iced coffee).

The first time will give an incredible boost, it keeps me surprising how Pine pollen powder over delivers time and time again.

Coffee is a great vehicle for herbs, fat, protein, egg yolks, salt e.g. Coffee soup.

If you are in to micro fasting Pine pollen coffee will not disappoint you.


Do you sell Pine pollen tincture?

No, if I do I will update the big Pine pollen Faq. Shipping glass and liquid is difficult, I did not find any high quality bottle. There is also a downside about Pine pollen tincture, it more a medicine and can have unfavorable oily skin side effects.

I don’t want to ruin your enthusiasm, read next question for a solution.


How to make Pine pollen Tincture?

Making a Pine pollen tincture yourself is easy, economically and you can decide it’s ingredient composition.


All you need to make a Pine pollen tincture is:

  • A glass bottle
  • 375ml quality alcohol that is strong 35%-80%
  • 25 gram Pine pollen powder
  • 3 weeks time


Mix it let is stand for 3 weeks, done.


What is quality alcohol for making a tincture?

Vodka, tequila, rum the less garbage added (like Whiskey in the rule has) the better. Remember to use a high alcohol percentage around 40%.


Is alcohol a big deal?

Not in such a small quantity as medical application. And vinegar is just not as good in extracting Pine pollens androgen, androgenic, androgens.


10 ways customers take Pine Pollen?

  1. Mixed with other herbs in water
  2. Mixed with honey
  3. In yoghurt
  4. With jam
  5. Over a steak
  6. As compressed tablet
  7. In coffee
  8. Mixing in ice cream
  9. Added to a protein shake
  10. In water

Do you have a physical store where I can buy Pine pollen and more?

No. It is a good idea, though Online is 24 hour open and worldwide reachable and (future) digital products will be send over the E-mail.

Is delivering powders via the post not risky?

98% is surprisingly successful, 1% severely delayed most of the time due public holidays and it’s logistical consequences.

We work with regular airmail, that is the best way to deliver from door to door.

FedEX and DHL are off the table. I experienced too much personal headache and customs complications with them. Nobody deserves the headache they provide and now I am in a position in handling many international shipments I vote against them.

Do you exclude shipping to particular countries?

Unfortunately yes. Here is the current list:


I update accordingly.

I travel a lot can I take your herb(s) in my luggage?

Yes you can, I fly a lot and was only asked one time what Pine pollen is, explained it no problem. I would not trade any potential banned supplements on the internet that get you in trouble and or are easy to be seized.

I am an professional athlete will Pine pollen be a risk of testing negative?

Potentially everything that works can give you a (false)positive. I take no responsibility in that regard.

My educated guess is very unlikely and that you should weigh the risk reward by yourself. My official statement in your defence is; to be clear Pine pollen is around for a long time it is a complete food. Yes it remarkably improves performance and most supermarket items can deplete your performance. The whole discussion is a bit silly. The tincture is in my view a drug though the real identical hormones in Pine pollen acts as your own and this is beneficial for both sexes, the body is smart enough to decide what it needs from it to run optimal.

What is your view about Crossfit?

Crossfit plays an important part in the fitness industry. Thanks to Crossfit the good equipment and lack of exercise machines becomes more common. Big thumb up for that. There is a trend in bashing Crossfit by (semi)famous people in the industry for the sake of content, I am not going this route and you deserve better content.

How do you take Pine pollen?

I change it up all the time. Currently in morning coffee and I could change it; a spoon mixed with water at 22:00 o’clock.

How long will 100 gram Pine pollen powder last?

That depends on how much you take a rule of thumb is that a 100g bag will be a good supply for a month.

That being said my father reversed aged (by going wheat free) and takes a spoon Pine Pollen roughly a few time a month and it overdelivered on all benefits.

How long can I store pine pollen?

1 Year, for sure.
Herbs can generally be stored for 2 years. We can assume that it still maintains its effect after a few years if properly stored. Some forgotten glass yar had pine pollen in it for around 2 years the color was the same and I used it as fertilizer for the plants the leafs looked extremely shiny and vital within two weeks.

And there is a big difference after opening the package Pine pollens potency start declining in a month.

That’s why I don’t cut the Pine pollen to 33g, put the Pine pollen in a fancy jar and by doing so expose the Pine pollen to air and end up with a less potent product.

Any tricks for preserving Pine pollen better?

Yes, put Pine pollen in a container and or ziplock in the fridge. Another great way is to make ice cream with a spoon Pine pollen in it.

Can Pine pollen trigger allergies?

Pine pollen are different than flower pollen or bee pollen, which are a disaster.
The best analogy I can come up with is that Pine is from a forest (not like a typical pollen season). Pines even mitigate EMF. Plants around Pines are healthy due its superior nutritional profile. And Pine Pollen are the only containing androgens it has everything other pollen not contains, Pine pollen are very unlikely to trigger pollen allergies.

Will Pine pollen interact with medication?

Highly unlikely, though I must tell you to play safe and discuss it with your pharmacist.

Any illegal supplements that work?

Almost everything that is banned by the IOC is worthwhile to LOOK at, this is my opinion and not recommendation, play it safe.

Is sleep overrated?

No and Pine pollen promotes quality sleep and it is typical to get by on an hour less sleep that is because everything just functions better.

Do you have more content?

Soon I provide a range Ebooks. This is a fraction of the cost of a consult. It is a guide that saves a lot of guesswork and time.

One item at the time.

What is the deal with consulting?

That means that my one on one time is not free. That I care about your accountability. And we focus on a positive end result that counts.

Do you have any super energy idea?

Yes your body has also a battery, around 10 kilo body weight of your body is mitochondria. Mitochondria are tiny organelles in your cells that produce your energy. If your Mitochondria are off your biological dead in 10 seconds. Doing some strength endurance is what your mitochondria like and you basically upgrade your battery. How about you strive to a 9 second at the 100 meter it is about the journey and your mitochondria will be happy, work up to 15 pull ups a side benefit is that you can not be out of shape when approaching these markers.
But, but 9 seconds is not possible?
Not thinking highly of yourself is defeat before you even begin. On paper it is possible and we have built in mental blocks that prevent tearing muscle and bone appart.

Did change ? 

Yes, in:
publishing eBook(s) for a tiny fraction of a consult, fitness related, everything about the old getpinepollen stays, the name change fits better to additional quality content.

[UPDATED: 27-08-2023]

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